Parents with disabled children in Sunderland are saying "Give Us a Break!" Sunderland Council.
We stand by the parents and families with disabled children who need and rely on the short-term respite care the Council provides by using Grace House. It means families can have a short break from the round-the-clock care they provide to their loved ones and it means these children can see friends in a safe familiar environment.
But Sunderland Council has piled added anxiety onto these families by threatening to rip these services away with no alternative in site.
Sunderland Council has unleashed uncertainty onto these families siting the cost of the service.
Well we say stop paying for gourmet buffets, stop paying for staff salaries that go well over £100,000 and start doing the right thing and give these families their respite care.
I urge Sunderland Council and Grace House to come to an urgent agreement over the continuation of respite care.
The news has came as a shock to the families who rely on the facility and comes after negotiations broke down between Together For Children and Grace House over the cost of the care. It is not fair on these parents and families to leave them in this area of uncertainty and anxiety.
-Shadow Cabinet Member for Children and Education, Cllr Dominic McDonough
You can follow the Give Us A Break campaign on Facebook Here