Hey Northumbrian Water, Stop Dumping Sewage In Sunderland!
Northumbrian Water recorded 69,048 sewage dumping events across it's area.
In the November full Council we put forward an amended motion to tackle the dumping of sewage in Sunderland, notably on our beaches in Fulwell, Seaburn and Hendon as well as in the River Wear itself. Our amendment to the original motion added greater 'future proofing' for Sunderland, asking for an independent survey of the sewage outflow and on the ability of the Hendon Sewage Treatment Work in dealing with future sewage demands of the city.
Practical and actionable action.
The Council has failed to provide proper leadership and has failed to stand up to local water companies, leading to local residents dealing with sewage across their beaches.
Commenting Cllr James Doyle, speaking on behalf of the Fulwell, Seaburn and South Bents Conservatives said:
" Arguably the most crucial measure we proposed was to commission an independent investigation into sewage discharge into the North Sea. We mus ensure that the investigation remains independent, focuses on the cause and effect, and is future-proof as far as is practicable. The study would look at the ability of Sunderland's existing sewage treatment facilities to tackle and prevent overflow discharge into the sea, taking into account forecast population growth and the reputational damage that this has on Sunderland."
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