Peter Noble, our candidate for Washington South, made a promise to residents last year that he would work with others from any political party for the betterment of his community. True to his word, he has made efforts to work with the wards existing councillors and candidate, in the best interests of the community.
Residents of Washington South have suffered appalling anti-social behaviour and increase in crime following three years of Council placements at the Holiday Inn hotel in Ayton. Sunderland Council, Gateshead Council, South Tyneside Council and Durham Council have all used the Holiday Inn to accommodate those requiring short notice accommodation and rough sleepers since March 2020, initially as part of the Covid 19 ‘Everyone in’ scheme, however usage has continued after hospitality reopened. Gateshead, South Tyneside and Durham Council continue accommodating individuals requiring short notice housing out of their own area and away from networks of support that some require.
Peter Noble commented:
“Neither myself nor any residents I’ve spoken to have any issue with genuine people who need local authority supported housing, being accommodated at hotels in our
area. What isn’t acceptable is for local authorities outside our area, placing criminals at the hotel."
“Despite assurances by Labour Councillor Graeme Miller, days prior to the 2021 local elections that no sex offenders would be housed at the hotel, two weeks later a sex offender housed at the hotel by the Council he leads was reported to Police outside Holley Park Academy at school home time in a drunken state. The risk to children, including my own child was very real that day and the reason I decided to stand as a candidate."
“I was disgusted to read a comment on social media posted by Labour Councillor Louise Farthing, the cabinet member for Children’s Services after the incident outside Holley Park Academy “Other than the alarm you raising by your constant referral to ex offenders did any one come to any harm?” I was appalled that the Councillor with responsibility for children’s services would make such a flippant comment about the safety of children”.
Fast forward to January 2023 and a criminal on remand, accommodated at the Holiday Inn by Gateshead Council, burgled a local resident while they and their family slept upstairs.
Enough is enough.
Peter Noble wrote to Cllrs Miller, Farthing, Donaghy and Labour candidate, suggesting we put politics to one side and find a solution to this ongoing issue. Copy of the email below,
Cllr Farthing replied, to say: “I know the use of HI is an issue for you. It has not been mentioned to us recently during our extensive doorstep contacts in Ayton”.
Peter Noble commented: “Despite all of the issues over the last three years, Cllr Farthing seems in denial of the issues affecting residents”.
Despite being sent three weeks ago, there has been no response from Cllr Miller or the Labour candidate.